Sponsor Books for Schools

We had a fun filled musical fundraiser on Oct. 8, 2023 at 2pm. Enjoy the videos from the mini-concert virtually from the comfort of your home!

Please help us raise $4500 by Jan. 31, 2024 so we can share the lessons of VISIBLE LEARNING with at least 150 schools!!


If you are a school official interested in receiving one of the books in our collection, please submit the form below. We will ship books according to our assessment of the needs of various schools.

We review books closely for suitability and relevance to K-12 schools. Please reach out if you have a recommendation on additions to our list or other inputs about the books on our list.

Books Available for Donation:


Teachers want what is best for their students. Schools want their kids to do well on STAAR. Yet the number of struggling schools is only on the rise. Unfortunately, not all parents can step in to help.

This sequel to the original 2008 version is based on learning from over 2,100 meta-analyses of over 130,000 studies that collectively followed the progress of more than 400 million students from all corners of the world. In this substantial undertaking, John Hattie has many valuable lessons to offer our school leaders, educators, and parents on how best we can maximize student achievement. This book is a must-read for everyone who wants to make evidence-based decisions for their learning communities. Please use the link below if you would like to request a copy for your school. We would also appreciate your thoughts on the book and your plans for using the book. Any pictures showing your work in action would also be welcome!

Books are a valuable gift. Please consider sponsoring from our carefully curated collection. Your gift would help pay for the cost of the book and shipping. You can choose the book you would like to sponsor and the number of copies. We will do the heavy lifting of finding partner schools, sending them your gift, and helping them get the most out of your thoughtful donation.

We will be able to donate 1 book for every $30 donation. For not more than the cost of a meal, you will be able to help a school raise its student achievement! Please decide on the number of books you wish to donate first and then make the donation using the “Donate” button at the top of the page. After you are done, please click on the SPONSOR BOOKS link below and let us know your book choices as well as their quantity. Finally, please don’t forget to include your Payment ID when you submit your sponsorship data.

Take action! Help us share lessons from VISIBLE LEARNING with 150 schools by Jan. 31, 2024!!

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